“But Jesus called the children to Him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16) Here at Lighthouse, we believe that children are the heartbeat of God so we have put a tremendous amount of love and care into our children’s ministries. Our classes, clubs and programs are all designed to help teach our children about God and His great love for them. Each teacher has a heart for God and diligently invests his/her time, finances and heart into teaching, caring and helping our children grow into Godly men and women.
Nursery- Sonlight Kids
The Sonlight Kids ministry is for Nursery age children 4 years old and younger. On Sundays, they are taught mini Bible lessons that include puppets, story and craft time. On Tuesdays and Friday nights, the children can play with learning & Bible puzzles, games and toys. Our Nursery workers go above and beyond to provide a safe, fun and loving environment for our little ones.
Kingdom Kids
On Sundays, our children ages 5 to 8 meet together in the Kingdom Kids class. This age group are taught Bible lessons centered on God’s love for them. Using games and crafts, this makes learning about God fun while at the same time teaching the group how to care and love one another.
Light It Up!
Light It Up for Jesus!
Children ages 9 to 12 meet together each Sunday to learn life lessons about faith, God, love and more. Each lesson is lovingly crafted and taught using games, discussion, crafts, skits, songs and more. The children are also taught how to memorize scriptures, work together and of course, to shine their little lights for Jesus!
We believe in loving, and serving the community as a whole with an emphasis on the church family.
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